Internships and Training

Internships and Training One Month and Two months internship programmes in Clinical Psychology.

Curriculum & Clinical Internship for Psychology Candidates

Aim: To provide an intensive and hands on experience in the field of clinical psychology and to develop the skills in various aspects of clinical psychology. The aim is to help the students to have a better understanding of diagnosis, assessments and the management in the field of clinical psychology.

Time period : 1 month (150 hours)

Theoretical Orientation and Clinical Experience for:

  • Case observation and case history taking [minimum 4 (2 adult/1 substance use disorder/ 1 case sheet of a child) case sheets of varied presentations]
  • Mental status examination.
  • Theoretical Orientation regarding disorders and ICD-10.
  • Observation of following psychological assessments -
    - IQ assessments (VSMS, SFBT)
    - Personality assessments (16 PF and IPDE)
    - Cognitive Assessments (HMSE, MMSE and Addenbrooke’s ).
  • OSCE (Objective structured clinical examination), role play and weekly group discussions including case presentations.
  • Weekly rehabilitation/ CGC visits.

*Any workshops held during this period candidates will need to pay independently for the registration of workshop.

*Completion certificate will be given on the basis of attendance and the scores of outgoing examination which will be conducted during the last week on internship period.

Time period : 2 months (300 hours)

Theoretical Orientation and Clinical Experience of:

  • Case observation and case history taking [minimum 8 cases( 4 adult/ 2 substance use disorder/ 2 case sheets of children)].
  • Mental status examination
  • Psychoeducation mental disorders to caregivers and the patient.
  • Screening Psychiatry assessments like HAM-D, HAM-A, PANSS, YMRS, YBOCS, AUDIT, COWS, SOWS and CAGE.
  • Observation of following psychological assessments -
    - IQ assessments (VSMS, SFBT, MISIC, Bhatia’s battery of performance tests and Draw a person test))
    - Personality assessments (16 PF and IPDE)
    - Cognitive Assessments (HMSE, MMSE, Addenbrooke’s and PGI-BBD).
    - CONNERS’ ADHD scale.
    - Projective Tests (SCT, TAT, Child apperception test)
  • OSCE (Objective structured clinical examination), role play and weekly group discussions including case presentations.
  • Weekly rehabilitation/ CGC visits.
  • Brief psychological interventions.

*Any workshops held during this period candidates will need to pay independently for the registration of workshop

*Completion certificate will be given on the basis of attendance and the scores of outgoing test which will be conducted during last week of internship period.